Organizing Wire, Connecting Volume Pots and Switch
Here is part 3 of the video series on wiring up guitar electronics.
In this video, I talk about how to lay out wires in a semi-hollow body so they aren’t ugly through the f-holes, using shrink wrap tubing to keep things organized. I also show how to connect a volume pot, soldering the braided shield of a wire to the back of a volume pot that already has other wires connected to it (using needle nose pliers as a hold-down). Lastly, I start wiring up the switch, and show what to do if you’ve lost track in the tubes of which wires are which. If your multi-meter doesn’t have continuity mode (beeps when a connection is made), you can just use resistance mode and look for connections on 0 resistance. Another idea to avoid confusion is to use different colored wires for each volume pot, or try to label them before running them through the tubes.