Sony Headphone Repair
I purchased my Sony MDR-7509HD headphones in 2007. I love these cans- they’re comfortable and they sound great. However, the ear cups and headband are a bit lacking in quality and longevity. The thin filmy material is nice and soft when new, but eventually deteriorates. I have a couple pairs of Sony MDR-V6‘s and the same thing happens with those.
By 2013, these MDR-7509HD headphones were 6 years old and the ear pads were really falling apart, so I purchased a set of inexpensive replacements. They were way cheaper than the genuine Sony replacements. They didn’t fit as perfectly as the originals, but they worked well enough.
The headband was also getting increasingly ratty. So, I purchased a cheap replacement headband, only to realize that it would require rather serious surgery. It was obvious in hindsight that I would need to unsolder some of the tiny wires to install it. In the end, I just couldn’t bring myself to do it, and I shelved the replacement, instead opting to wrap some elastic sports tape around the headband. Total hack!
So now, cue forward to the present- it’s time to replace the ear pads again, and maybe I can do something better than the kludgey sport tape headband wrap. I found this kit from Geekria that includes the ear pads, and a zippered neoprene pouch to wrap the headband without requiring surgery. Awesome idea!
The neoprene headband sleeve is ingenious, and fits like a glove. However, the tight fit does make it tricky to install. I found that if I tried to start it in place over the headband, the zipper tongue kept on slipping out of its socket. It was much easier to start down over the narrower headband adjustment slider, and then once the zipper was zipped a couple inches, pull the sleeve up onto the headband padding.
Finally, while stretching the sleeve into place and holding it with one hand, I was able to pull the zipper closed with my other hand.
Installing the ear pads was even more fidgety. Geekria provided a plastic spudger to assist with stretching the ear pad flap into the groove on the headphone earpiece. It probably took me 10 expletive-laden minutes to get the first one on there. Then the second one went a bit quicker.
Here at last are my newly restored headphones. The neoprene headband looks like it’ll last forever, but I expect I’ll have to replace the ear pads again every few years.
August 14, 2018 @ 3:49 pm
Great tip re: the headphone band, I am going to follow that up!
As for the ear pads, I got replacement velour ones on ebay which seem to hold up really well, are much more comfortable than the fleather ones and don’t flake off on one’s head:
(Funny that google brought me to PlanetZ as I was looking for headband replacements…I recall posting quite a bit on the Creamware Pulsar forums nearly 20 years ago!!)
August 14, 2018 @ 3:54 pm
I agree- those velour ear covers are comfortable. I used them on an old pair of Sony mdrv6 headphones.
The years are indeed slipping by! I finally let go of the pulsar/scope forums a couple years ago, as I had become more of a janitor than active participant. The forums are now at – still still using the planetz name and my old color scheme 🙂
Cheers, -John
October 28, 2020 @ 2:11 pm
Great post! I’ve had my pair for so many years, maybe 2001-ish. I am looking for tips on how to fix the fold in mechanism on one of the ear phone. It is just plain stuck and I have tried some considerable force but fear anymore might break them. Any chance this is something you have also encountered? Thanks in advance!
October 28, 2020 @ 3:50 pm
Hey there- I have 4 or 5 pairs of Sony headphones with the same folding mechanism, and that has been the one part that hasn’t broken on any of them! Not sure what might be causing yours to be stuck, but hope you figure it out!