Riviera P-93 Middle Pickup Mods
I’ve written before about the circuit challenges on the Epiphone Riviera P-93 – treble loss when turning down the volume, no way to use treble bleed caps, and the awkward always-on middle pickup. More
Repairing Yamaha THR10 Switch
The Yamaha THR10 is a fun little practice amp which sounds surprisingly good (and loud!) for its size. It weighs just a few pounds and can run on batteries, so it’s easy to toss in the car for a travel amp. Unfortunately, it is just as easily tossed out of the car, as I learned when my THR10 stage-dived from the car onto the pavement. Ouch! It survived mostly unscathed, except for the power switch. It still works, sort of… but it’s bent and hard to use. I’ve procrastinated on this because it’s not a trivial repair, but am finally getting around to it.More
Busted OnStage Cup Holder
My OnStage Cup Holder has been attached to my mic stand for a few years, and has been host to all types of tasty-drink containers. Beer bottles, Solo cups, plastic water bottles- you name it. This is critical equipment! So, I was devastated after a recent gig to find it busted in two.More
Mackie DL32R Mixer Channel Repair Fail
Ok, repair may be too strong a word. Maybe exploration and experimentation would be more accurate. At a recent rehearsal, channel 2 on our Mackie DL32R mixer cut out. Hey, that’s my mic! More
Boss DR-770 Battery Replacement
Sometimes at rehearsal with my band, we’ll play with a click to focus on rhythm. We use an old BOSS DR-770 drum machine set to a simple accented rimshot pattern. This certainly works better than running a metronome app on the phone. All good, until the DR-770 battery dies…More