11 tips for more productive songwriting and recording at home
It’s been awhile since my last video. As you may have noticed in my blog posts over the last couple years, I’ve been super-busy making new synthesizers and plugins at Korg. And in my limited free time, I’ve been trying to focus more on songwriting and recording, rather than guitar tweaking and tone chasing.
MorePlaying keys with my feet where the streets have no name
I made a video of The Drop Daddies performing Where The Streets Have No Name at our gig on St. Patrick’s Day.
You’ll see that I’m playing the opening organ parts on the Korg wavestate, with MIDI footswitch triggers on the Helix, while struggling to simultaneously play the guitar parts – tricky business!
Moremodwave native launched
I’m super excited to see the worldwide launch of modwave native tonight! I’ve been pretty much consumed with development of this new plugin since my last post back in March. This year went by in a blink!
Morewavestate and opsix native
It seems that all my recent blog posts are KORG related! Busy busy busy! Today, the wavestate and opsix native plugins are officially released, bringing the full power and sound of the hardware inside the box for Mac/Windows users. The sound and features are identical and interchangeable with the hardware, allowing a symbiotic studio to stage experience.